понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

do bob

Due to the chill in the house (no heat yet - latest estimate is 2 weeks) my fish got relocated to the farm yesterday. Itapos;s hitting the negative numbers at night and I was starting to get really worried about them. They are perfectly happy now on the bathroom vanity at the farm. The temperature of their tank is about 75 and theyapos;re swimming and active again. Dadapos;s not happy about it, but since the latest delay is his fault, heapos;s going to have to deal with it.

Something hilarious happened during the relocation. My Tom decided he wanted to be involved and tried to walk on the tank. He stepped his back feet onto the back part of the hood that isnapos;t solid and down he went. His entire back end ended up in the tank. Well, the look on his face was something else. He practically levitated out of the tank. And the more we laughed, the more annoyed he got. I havenapos;t laughed that hard in ages.

Tomorrow is supposed to be really cold. Just 4 degrees above freezing with snow in the forecast. I expect Iapos;ll be working with my gloves on tomorrow.
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HOGAAAAAAN Mein Gott What have you done now? How did I arrive here? Did you drug my coffee again?

[[A frustrated sigh can be heard.]]

Irsquo;ve just about had it with your troublesome games. I am a dignified official who deserves much more respect.

[[The sound of feet tromping through thick mud thunders out, followed by a slew of angry German babbling.]]

Why me? Why does this always happen to me? SCHUUUUULTZ This is your fault. I ordered you to keep a closer eye on the prisoners. Perhaps it would best if you were transferred elsewhere. Useless I say Useless

[[Clears his throat.]]

Wait What is this I see here? A cargo truck Somethingrsquo;s moving in ithellip; AHA Irsquo;ve found you now. You should know better than to drive into a German battlefield with a trained soldier like myself. Besides, this old wagon is rustedhellip; not even a pure-bred German auto at that. What a laugh. Waitmdash;



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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

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Ugh... Why do i feel so tired?
everytime i wake up, i just feel my entire body is gonna crumble to pieces.

prolly im out of shape?

prolly im not so happy this sembreak.

whatapos;s there to look forward to? nothing.
even if i trudged on a mall shopping, wanting to use up the prized money i won in that celadon shirt contest, i just cant find anything good. T___T

i cant even make an artwork cuz my usb got lost, along with my pencil box with those expensive mechanical pencils and my wallet which has money in it. I feel so tired. I need to find it.
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Sometimes I canapos;t stand this constant sadness that Iapos;ve felt lately. I seem to get angry easier and blow up at people more often. I feel like thereapos;s something that Iapos;m not doing right, that thereapos;s some avenue that I should be pursuing in order to help me cope and heal. I think Iapos;m just being impatient. Of course Iapos;ve been through some amazingly stressful times and dealt with things that I wasnapos;t ready for. I think Iapos;m just still having through expressing my anger in my day to day life. My brain keeps telling me to try things that I know arenapos;t practical. Its hard to focus on whats important when it seems like your life doesnapos;t hold much meaning anymore.

The worst part is that the incident that set me off on this baw-fest was the fact that I just sat down to eat my lunch and the dressing that came with my salad is expired, rendering my entire meal completely useless. Food really does rule my life.
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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

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See that icon...that one right there *points* thatapos;s why. If you want to see the crazy that went into that then see Amandaapos;s lj, it will certainly bring the lulz if not make you question my sanity a little bit more. In my defense...actually I donapos;t have a good defense. Exhaustion+caffeine=insanity thatapos;s the basic equation. I was seriously hoping for some good luck for a dream last night, but I think I was just too tired. I get to sleep in tomorrow though so...*crosses fingers and knocks on wood*. Can I go home yet? Itapos;s been a short week, but already I need it to be over, lol.

I wonder if itapos;s tonight that Crusoe starts. I kind of want to watch it just because Iapos;m geeky like that, but I donapos;t know what else Iapos;m going to do...besides watch Disney. I also should really finish Fruits Basket. Itapos;s just that itapos;s hard to keep track of the subtitles with five million and one distractions. So perhaps whilst I wait for Amanda to get off work once it gets closer to the wee hours in the morning I can polish off those last three episodes.

Iapos;m downloading last nightapos;s Supernatural episode so I can fangirl create mini-movie icons, fweee *dusts off Amandaapos;s tutorials* I figured I ought to practice before I move on to Disney *sage nod*. Iapos;m sure I need to practice lots...lots and lots even *innocent whistling*. They are srsly pretty though, especially Dean, super pretty.

Can anyone tell itapos;s that time of month yet? I swear my hormones make me insane, and irritable. I was like *eye twitch* all the way to school this morning because of traffic. Itapos;s probably good that the only people around last night were me and Amanda. Otherwise Iapos;m pretty sure I would have gotten a visit from the men in pretty white coats. I donapos;t remember the last time I expressed such rabid fangirling, but it was fun. I want to do it again. Maybe itapos;s because Iapos;m also excited that Amanda is on the Supernatural bandwagon too or something, but I srsly havenapos;t fangirled so hard in ages and ages. Since Dark Knight really, sadly. I think itapos;s because Heroes gets ever more apos;WTF?apos; and weapos;ve always been on the House bandwagon together and Bones is pretty much just me. Iapos;m finally getting back to my former levels of appreciation with House/Heroes, but really House has just been kind of off with the whole Amber thing and Wilson fighting and the new people. However, this season is finally getting into some kick-ass gear so now Iapos;m pleased again. Heroes, heroes, heroes. Iapos;m not sure what to think of you. If it wasnapos;t for Sylar/Peter/Noah(HRG)/Adam I donapos;t think Iapos;d be watching it any more, but Iapos;ll be patient and wait and see. I mean Iapos;m kind of waiting for the magicalness of the first season to return, but Iapos;m not quite sure how itapos;s all going to turn out.

In any case Iapos;m glad that Supernatural is our new kick, because I was so desperately ready for something to fangirl over hardcore, something lasting that is and not like a movie which sort of falls out of the the apos;omg letapos;s obsessapos; cycle right after it comes out. It was time for mutual squeeing once more I mean Iapos;ve always liked Supernatural, but fangirling over it is just so much more satisfying. Not to mention Iapos;ve always enjoyed ghost stories so it definitely appeals to my interest.

I just hope I donapos;t get tired of it. I donapos;t think I will, but who knows? Sometimes crazy things happen. Even in good series like Buffy and Angel, but Iapos;m optimistic.

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